Year 7 Subject Surgery Thursday 20 December

Posted in: News Archive

Dear Parent/Carer


Year 7 Subject Surgery Thursday 20 December 2012


The Subject Surgery will take place on Thursday 20 December from 3.00 – 4.15pm and will give you the opportunity to speak to subject teachers about your son/daughter’s progress.  A Year 7 report will be issued on Friday 14 December.


Your son/ daughter’s report will also show those members of staff who have requested to meet with you on this evening and will be indicated with a # symbol.


There are four ways for parents to arrange an appointment with teachers for Subject Surgery:


  1. The most effective way is to use the school VLE and email a teacher. Visit and click on the Parents Portal.

-> Log in using your unique username and password

-> My Children -> Choose which child from the drop down list

(if you have more than one student at the school).

-> Teachers Tab

-> Click on the teacher’s name to get email address


  1. Phone (this is the most difficult way as staff are working with students during the school day)


  1. Direct email to Heads of Department- please check school website at Home then Contact Us.


  1. Your son/ daughter can make appointments on your behalf. Please would you indicate on the form below which teachers you would like to see. Your son/daughter should then take the form to the subject teachers you have indicated on the form, to make an appointment on your behalf. The appointments will be then be recorded using the appointment form on page 117 of their student diary.


The school views this as an important opportunity for you to gather information that will enable your son/daughter to achieve the best results they can and for us to answer any questions you may have.


I would look forward to seeing you.


Yours sincerely


Ms F Barton

Assistant Headteacher

All staff who teach your daughter/son are available for five minute interviews.  (Longer interviews can be arranged for other times if you so wish).  It is important for the smooth running of the evening that all interviews are kept to a maximum of 5 minutes.


Please ask your daughter/son to list below the subjects she/he takes and their teaching staff.  Will you please then indicate, by signature, in the final column, those staff you wish to see.  Your daughter/son will then make these appointments on your behalf.  Clearly with the number of parents wanting interviews the exact times will have to be finalised between your daughter/son and the staff concerned and you should leave enough time between interviews to move around the building.


NAME:……………………………………..             MENTOR GROUP:…………………….


Staff who teach the above student:






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