Exam Results August 2014- Notice from Mr Haydn Stride-Headteacher

Posted in: News Archive

I am cautiously pleased with our exam results this year, we were accurate in our predictions and the vast majority of subjects have shown an increase from the previous year.  I am pleased that our young people will have, in the majority, achieved as we have predicted and received the results they have been working so hard for, across the last five years.

I believe that the headline results of 49% 5A*-C including English and Maths ( a fall of 1% from the previous year), will show a closing of the gap between Longhill and National for attainment.  The growing picture at National is that there will be a significant drop in results and with Longhill maintaining a steady outcome, this will improve our position within the league tables by some margin.
The fall in attainment at National within English was a feature of our results also, however to a lesser degree than most schools.  The improvement of the majority of subjects other than English across the school, has significantly held the school in a positive position . . . relative to the picture Nationally.  The change in the examination format and other elements, such as early entry changes, made by the Government across the last two years, is I believe, the most significant feature of the impact upon English.
I have no hestitation however in saying a very well done to the vast majority of teachers and subject leaders, who have made significant improvements from the previous year.
Equally I have no hesitation in saying well done to our young people, who have worked hard and been determined to be the best they can, achieving what they deserve.
Most of all I would like to say thank you to our parents, who have supported us throughout the last five years and shared with us our determination to be the best we can.
I look forward to the next year and making greater improvement and progress for the school and our community.  We are not complacent and will continue to strive the be the best we can.
Haydn Stride
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