Headteacher’s End of Autumn Term Letter

Posted in: News Archive

Santa’s almost here… we have Peter Pan in school on the 16th and 17th of December, book your tickets now to avoid disappointment!

It has been a very hard working term and I am sure that both the students and staff are looking forward to the break.

Our results have now been confirmed and we have made significant progress in the majority of subjects – over twenty subjects are now either at or above National averages for GCSE’s in 2014. We intend to build on this further for 2015.

The various monitoring visits from the Local Authority, Challenge Partners and HMI have all confirmed that the school’s own judgments are sound. Leadership, management and behaviour and safety have been judged as ‘Good’.

The achievement gaps in Maths and English, that between students in receipt of Pupil Premium funding and those not, is still too wide. The focus therefore will be to close this achievement gap across this next year, which I am confident, will happen. Our students in receipt of Pupil Premium are making above National rates of progress and attainment within English and Maths. So we have now a very strong focus for us this year, in terms of who we need to work with. Each child who is not making expected progress has additional intervention, either in class or externally supported. I am confident that by the end of this year Ofsted will return and judge the school as ‘Good’.

Our students and staff have worked very hard. Your support and confidence in us has been wonderful and I thank each of our families for your kind words and messages.

I hope Santa brings you what you wish and your Christmas is filled with happiness and joy.

Have a good New Year.


Haydn Stride

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