Chelsea’s Choice

Posted in: News Archive

Last week saw the return of Theatre company, AlterEgo who presented a play to our Year 10 students about safeguarding and the dangers of child exploitation.


The play tells the story of a group of three students who discover the diary of a girl called Chelsea.

Chelsea was a young girl who, having fallen out with her friends and family, was approached by a man called Gary. Gary was older, owned a car, had a flat and treated her like an adult. Unfortunately Gary was not what he seemed to be!

Chelsea’s story is played out and examined by the three students along with their teacher in an attempt to understand what happened to Chelsea and how it could have been prevented. The 40 minute production and post-show Q&A were highly effective in raising awareness of:-

  • Healthy Relationships
  • Safe Internet Use
  • Risky Behaviour
  • The Grooming Process
  • Child Sexual Exploitation
  • Where young people can go for help and advice


Student feedback was positive:


‘I really enjoyed Chelsea’s Choice because it was real. It helped students to see what really happens and it allows them to be safe too.’


‘It was brilliant. Really eye-opening. I learnt a lot about child exploitation.’


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