Fancy Some Fun and Adventure? Then Join Us for Year 8 Summer Camp!

Posted in: News Archive


Camp has been running for so many years it has become a ‘rite of passage’ for students.  Once you have been to Camp and survived, you will  have a wealth of stories and experiences that you will share with your school friends; the bonds you form with your year group are very clear – you will suddenly understand why the older years are so close – they have bonded through the experience (and weather!) of Camp.

Year 8 Camp helps to encourage maturity and a sense of responsibility, as Year 8s will be choosing their options and will start GCSEs in Year 9.  The activities are all designed to promote teamwork, leadership, problem-solving, self-reliance and citizenship.  Living together in the camp setting encourages tolerance and understanding, as well as fostering positive relationships between students and staff.

Activities include camping, abseiling/rock climbing, map reading, archery, zip wire, kayaking and many other fun, engaging and challenging opportunities.

The friendships you make at Camp with your peers and the bonds you make with staff, along with the experiences you all go through together, will last you through your school life and beyond.

The cost of Camp is £125 for 5 days, which includes all activities, transport and food – excellent value for an all-inclusive adventure break we think you’ll agree!
All letters have been given out and are also on the parents’ information portal. You must hand in your deposit, along with both the Trip Confirmation Letter and Residential Behaviour Contract by Friday 15th December at the latest.

If you have any queries, please don’t hesitate to contact the school or me at
As a school, we expect to take all of Year 8 on camp and are looking forward to sharing this amazing opportunity. Thank you.

Mr L Tester, Year 8 Camp Lead


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